My name is Sophie, I am 6 months old and this is my very first blog post. I am excited to get to know you, and even more excited that you are reading my blog today!
Now lets get down to business! This blog is all about being a kid. My family and I just moved to the beach from a big time college town, so we've got some serious work to do! Mommy spent her first few weeks here unpacking box after box after box! And Daddy started his new job as an assistant manager a couple months ago. So since they're so busy I have plenty of time on my hands to get into trouble and blog about it! Heehee :D
So I know we've got TONS to talk about, but for today, I just wanted to get the introductions done.
Okay, now first I'll introduce Mommy.
Mommy's a full time online student in college and stay-at-home Mommy to me! She used to work customer service, but she really wanted to work with kids (like me!) so she went back to school. Here's a picture of us right before we went to the beach for memorial day!
I was looking awesome in my brand new monkey swimsuit and hat from Carter's. I loved the beach, going around with the wind in my hair and the Laughing Gulls flying overhead. The ocean kind of scared me, I was afraid the waves would open up and eat me whole! But Daddy told me he would be sure to hold on tight and then I had tons of fun!
Oh yeah, introductions... BACK ON TRACK!!! :D
Here's a picture of me and Daddy on the same day. He wasn't quite ready to go, but I was already rockin' my suit! You can see the monkey WAY better in this one, isn't it the best? Oh wait, where was I? Oh yeah, Daddy is my favorite person in the whole wide world! He's working as a full time assistant manager right now, but he really wants to get into IT work. He tells me that means he wants to work with computers, but I'm not allowed to play on them yet so whatever. He always makes time for me, the light of his life! <3
Phew! Almost done with introductions! These are wearing me out, I can't believe it's almost nap time! I need to get some more playing in before nap. So much on the schedule, I need to slobber on Eeyore, eat some puffs, throw some blocks, and chew on my rattle. So much to do and so little time, a baby's life sure can be stressful! Back to business!
I love my cats, even though they're a little old they are so fun to play with! I like chewing on Socks' ears and gently touching Kitty's fur. Sometimes I grab their tails and they run away, that makes me sad so I try not to do it anymore, but they're SO tempting!
Now you've met my family, all five of us! Tomorrow I can't blog because we're going to my second cousins high school graduation. I'll be sure and take pictures to show you later! So I guess that's all for now. Time for nap, see you next time!