Hi there! Gosh we've been busy lately, but now I'm here to write an extra long blog post just for you! Woohoo!
Let's see... Since I last wrote I recovered from my surgery, we had a mama's day dinner, we redecorated my room, Mommy finished classes, I had my very first overnight, we started packing and did some work on the car, and Mommy and I painted together! Wow, that's a lot!

Mama's day went really well, we went to church and then had a family dinner. I got to play with my cousin Judy and that was SOOOO fun! Mommy and Daddy say I was being naughty the whole day, but I just call that FUN!!
Speaking of Mommy, she finished her Spring classes with 2 B's! We are spending lots of time together before she has to start Summer classes on June 3rd. And then guess that's happening on June 21st?? Can't guess??? We're MOVING!!!! I'm so excited to live in an apartment where I have my very own room! We already bought a lot of my new furniture and after we move I am getting my cousins old toddler bed.
Here's a picture of my room since I got the new furniture! Mommy took away my changing table and bookshelf since I was trying to climb on them, but I got all this new stuff that I love! If you can't tell the theme, it's princess. Once we move and I have my new bed I'll really be grown up, then Mommy says I might even start potty training. I don't really know what that is, but I'll try anything once!
So Daddy and Mommy have never taken their honeymoon. They were going to have it for their 1st anniversary, but then I came along and it never ended up happening. Well, a little while ago they decided to just have a mini honeymoon and go for a night in San Antonio to have fun, eat in fancy restaurants and stuff. They said I was finally old enough to go for an overnight with my favorite babysitter, Aunt Kim! It was so fun staying over there that I didn't even miss Mommy and Daddy! It went so well that they are going to finally take their honeymoon sometime this Summer!
And then there was THE BUSIEST DAY EVER. That was the day we started packing the kitchen, Daddy and I changed the break pads on the car, and Mommy and I painted a big piece of wood. It might not sound like a lot, but it was!
It's really pretty in person! And for the final touch I put my very first hand print on there! As I grow older I'm going to put handprints up it until I reach the top all grown up!
Well, that's all for now! I'll post something new soon. So in the great words of my friend Tigger "TTFN, ta ta for now!"