Sunday, September 7, 2014


Backlog post #4!

Hey there! August was a fun month! There were some not so fun times, but most of it was great!

   I burned myself on a pan Mom told me not to touch, I didn't even notice until Mommy pulled my arm away and put it under the cold water faucet. It was a pretty bad burn and it hurt a lot. We had to wrap it up and put ointment on it to make it better.

Two weeks later. --Adding from the future (2015), this became my first permanent scar.--

We hung out at home a lot during the first part of the month, I loved spending time with Mommy when she didn't have classes!

We went to an activity at the Barnes and Nobles and had fun taking silly pictures!

I started a new preschool and got a new backpack!

We went and got Daddy new shoes and made a day of it, all three of us!

I took these two pictures!

 Then we went to Freebirds and I got to dance to the music!

 Well, it was a fun month! See you later!
