*gulp gulp* Oh, hang on! *slurp slurp*
Hi!!! Sorry about the wait, you caught me in the middle of brunch! I guess it's as good a time as any for a new blog post. Mommy and I are just waiting for Daddy to get home from work.
So, remember last post when I told you that Daddy and Mommy are trying to get in shape by working out? Well Mommy's also starting a new initiative called Eat Better, Spend Less! She started a few days ago by making out a weekly meal plan that is fairly balanced and easy. Then she announced to the whole family: "Absolutely no eating out for an entire month!" Daddy and Mommy are unhappy to admit that we've been eating out far to much, around once a day! There is no excuse for that so it's time to change!
Now that we are eating in more I'm getting to try more new foods! I'm learning to use my fingers to feed myself and my sippy cup to drink. I had a bad time when I found out I can't eat pears. I have a super bad reaction to them, but at least we know now.
Mommy made omelets yesterday and said they turned out too pretty not to take a picture of, so here's a picture of Mommy's omelet!
Moving on. You know how I LOVE to play dress up? You don't???? Well I totally LOVE to play dress up!!! Now that you know, here's a picture of me playing dress up, mix and match style. We were being silly :)
And last but not least, a picture of my favorite cat Socks! We had just gotten back from the pool when Socks decided that my pool toy was his new bed! Silly Socks!
Well, I guess that's all for....
Oh wait! One more! One more! You can see 3 of my teeth in this one!
Now that's all! TTFN, ta ta for now!
I love that first pic :D