Dear everyone,
It's great to see you! I'm sorry I haven't written in a really long time. Things have been busy here and I've been growing up faster than I can type! Today I'm going to talk about dreams, and some other things that have been on my toddler mind lately.
You see it all started a few weeks ago when I started seeing things in my sleep, I tried to tell Mommy about them, but it took her FOREVER to understand what I was trying to describe. She seemed to think that me waving my hands around wildly and yelling my things at her was just me playing.
But it turns out that I was…….. DREAMING. I dreamt about being able to drive the car while Daddy and Mommy were in the backseat, I dreamt about cleaning the house and told Mommy that it was "super really fun". I even dreamt that I lost my shoes and wanted them back really badly, I wanted them so bad that I woke up and told Mommy and Daddy that I wanted my shoes when I was already wearing them, heehee. It was so silly. I love to dream and I love to tell everyone about it even more!
Even though I love to dream I get really grumpy in the mornings until I've had my breakfast. Here's a video Mommy took of me when I was waking up a few mornings ago with my morning banana. Warning: It is a little loud in the middle since Mommy was messing with the camera while filming.
Christmas was great! We went to Fredericksburg the weekend before and got to see my grandma (my Mommy's mom), my aunt Angie, and my uncle Ross who I almost never get to see! Even though it was a couple weeks ago I am still talking about them and I call them on my play phone a lot, especially Ross since he's two too! We also got to visit my great grandparents and my great aunt's. It was a lot of fun! And I was a little angel so Santa brought me lots of fun stuff for Christmas like a new train set with a Thomas train that runs by itself.
I even got a new bubble machine since they were on sale. Here's a short video of all my bubbles!
Also, I found out I'm allergic to peanuts as well as raspberries and zinc oxide (long story). I get terrible painful and itchy rashes, but no other bad things. The list is growing, but everybody says I will probably grow out of my allergies. I sure hope so!

I can say a ton of words now and my word books are getting so easy! Mommy and Daddy set up a bookshelf for me to reach on my own now since I've stopped tearing up my books like I used to. It's in the middle of my brand new toy organizer! Here's a pic! --->
Isn't it the best?
The cats aren't running away from me as much anymore since I stopped chasing them and pulling on their tails. Who knew that being nice to them was the solution? I've decided that cats are silly now and they are just around for me to lay my head on and laugh at.
My favorite things to do now are to paint, to dance, to sing, and to look at Christmas lights and pictures of dogs. I like to read lots of books and play doctor with my new doll too. My favorite toys are my cars and my balls and my baby doll. I also like to run around the house yelling and giggling, but there's no real reason for that, I just like to confuse Daddy and Mommy. Oh, and I almost forgot, my favorite movie of all time is Annie. Mommy says it's the older one and not the remake. I love it so much I ask to watch it every morning when I wake up and keep asking until it's time to go to bed. Mommy says I'm not allowed to watch it anymore until the weekend's over and that is taking FOREVER. I just don't understand why I can't watch Annie every waking second, but oh well, I guess I can wait.
Well, that's all I can think of for an update. I miss you!!! "I love you, bye-bye!!"
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