Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Is Coming!

   Hey there, Merry Christmas! You heard me, Christmas!! I am already getting excited for it! That might have something to do with Mommy putting on Christmas music all the time, or all the neat decorations that are suddenly around our house, or maybe even the Christmas movie I got to watch the other day. Christmas is so fun!

   And with the Christmas season come some good, and some bad, just like any other time of year. Please pray for my Grandma, she got into a bad car wreck Sunday and is having a really tough recovery. And also don't forget to offer up any prayers for anyone having a tough time during the holidays.

   Want to see some of our GREAT Christmas decorations?? Here are some good ones! First, the stockings Mommy hand made from scratch. It took her a very long time, but I think they came out great! Don't you?

     Then there are Santa hats around the house and candy canes on the Christmas tree!!

We've even been baking cookies!
   An update on Mommy and Daddy. Daddy is really enjoying his job fixing computers at Office Depot. He needs to get a new job soon though because they won't give him enough hours. That's why Mommy doesn't like obamacare, if Daddy gets more than 28 hours a week they have to give him insurance, so they won't give him any more hours. I'm sure glad I don't understand any of that yet, it sounds stressful!
   Mommy is almost done with her finals, just one left on Tuesday. So far she thinks she'll have either three A's and a B or two A's and two B's. Either way it should raise her GPA some. Yay Mommy! I'm ready for her semester to be over already so I can be the center of attention again! A whole month of Christmas and family time. Can't get much better than that!

    And one more picture, here's one of me last Christmas, wasn't I cute?

   Well, that's all for now, type to you later! And don't forget to spread some Christmas cheer each day leading up to Christmas for me. Okay? Bye!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

12 Months of Sophie

   Hey there! Well, I'm one year old today. Mommy says that's 12 months for anyone who can't count yet. So much has happened this last year. I was born, we visited Austin, Mommy had surgery, Uncle Ross was born, Great Grandma Marilyn got very sick and then got much better, we moved, Mommy started getting good grades in school again, Daddy got a new job, Mommy won a new car seat for me, and bunches of people visited us on the beach! Whew! Today I'm going to share with you the last of my baby pictures, cause I'm a toddler now, no looking back! There are 3 pictures for each month of my life. Here goes nothing!


1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months

11 Months



   Bye bye baby me, hello toddlerhood! I'm so ready for the next year. I'm excited to play with all my new toys, I'm excited for Christmas and Easter and ALL the holidays (especially the ones where I get presents, teehee)!

   I had so much fun visiting for my birthday! I wish we could've stayed in town longer, but I promise I'll keep in touch through this blog. That was the best birthday visit ever! (pictures from the visit to come soon!)

   Well, I suppose that's it for now. See you later alligator!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My House

   Hi there!!! Today Mommy made me this house! I've been playing in it all morning and it is SO much fun. See the lights? They're my favorite part ever!

   Here's a picture without the camera flash so you can see how pretty and bright they really are.

   You see, Daddy went to work this morning. It's his first day at his new job at Office Depot! So Mommy told me we needed to be productive too, we started cleaning and organizing all my toys, then we put away all my old one's I never play with anymore. And then we got to recycle that box from getting my new car seat (last blog post), so this is what we made!

   My second favorite thing about my house is the windows! They swing open and closed, I could play with them for hours. I am soooooo in love with my new house!

   Now that I've shown you my new house I need to get back to playing, see you soon! Bye!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

From Box to Car / The Great Car Seat Story

   Babababababababa... Oh hi there, I'm just babbling up a storm over here. Guess what? I got a new car seat! This is the one Mommy won in an online drawing. It just came in the mail yesterday.

   It was such a big adventure trying to figure out all the new bells and whistles on it. Daddy says it's a really good seat and he wishes he could be so comfy in the car!

   So first we took it out of the box and made sure all the pieces were there. I'm already too big for all the infant stuff, so we took that all out and set it aside for the next baby.

    After that we loosened and tightened all the straps until it fit me just right. I'm so excited to be in a big girl seat, I even have my own cup holder!

   Then Daddy put me in so we could test it out. It was cold out so I had to dress warm!

    I got to read books on the way to Great Grandma and Grandpa's house!

   I had so much fun with my Great Aunts, my great Grandparents and my 2nd Cousin! I even got to climb the stairs! Under close supervision that is.

   It's a great car seat and I'm sure we'll have it a long, long time! And another great thing, it arrived just in time for our big birthday trip to College Station! I'm going to have a Hello Kitty party and it's going to be sooooooo fun! The trip will take at least 4 hours, talk about riding in style!

   Well, that's my story for the day. TTFN, Ta Ta For Now!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012


   Hey you!

   Gosh it's tough to keep this blog going when I have so much fun stuff to do! I'm walking and talking and jibjabering up a storm! Daddy and Mommy can't believe I'm already 11 months old! My birthday's in less than 3 weeks and I'm soooooo excited!

    Mommy got all A's and B's on her midterms, she studied and studied and studied and it really paid off! Daddy was so fun to be with, he played with me and took care of me a bunch so Mommy could focus. Then once Mommy's midterms were done with we had out first Mommy daughter day! We went to the mall play area and I got to play with lots of other kids, we went shopping and picked out my Christmas dress that I'll wear in a couple months, and we watched the fishies in the big fish tank there. That was SO fun!

   Daddy's put in resume's to a bunch of different companies for better paying jobs, he's already had a bunch of interviews. Fingers crossed he gets one!

   Oh and guess what? Mommy entered into a contest and won a new car seat for me! I really don't like the one I have now, it's so uncomfortable I just cry all through the car ride. Anyways, this new one retails for $250 and it has great ratings (whatever that means), it should come in the mail in the next couple days! Woohoo Mommy!

   These pics are just me spending time with my favorite guy ever... Daddy! He makes me laugh and gives me toys, I think I'm in love! Don't you think we look cute together?

   And lastly... I've been walking for awhile now, but I just thought it was too much work so I didn't let Mommy get a video. I just liked crawling too much. Then the other day I realized, all the big kids are walking, maybe I should too! So I stood up then and there and started walking a ton! Daddy and Mommy still haven't gotten a really good video, but here's a short one where Mommy bribes me to walk with her glasses!

   Well, I guess that's all for now, see you later alligator!


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Daddy, Mommy, and Me!

   Hey there! Today Mommy helped me make something special to add to the blog, so she's in my pictures. I'll do one with Daddy soon too!

   "What did she help you make?" you may ask. Well to answer that I have to go back to when I was small... well, smaller. When I was around 3 months Mommy got super duper sad she didn't have any pictures of herself as a baby so she started on a quest to find some! She just recently went to visit her Grandpa, my Great Grandpa, and found a picture sitting way up high. She's pretty sure it's one of her and my Uncle Ian when they were little. So from there she found another picture, this one of Daddy when he was right about the same age. THEN she found one of me and made this neat picture I'm about to show you!

   So are you excited? Are you ready to see it?

   Here it is! Mommy's on the left, I'm in the middle, and Daddy's on the right! (Hint: click the picture to make it bigger.)

   I think I look more like Daddy, what do you think?

   Well, that's all for now, I just wanted to share that! TTYL! Type To You Later!


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cell Phone Pic and Video Edition

        Do you trust me? LOL! I just had to throw an Aladdin reference in sometime. So, what's new here... let's see.

   First of all I'm writing this blog today because Mommy emptied all of the pictures and videos off of her cell phone, so I'm going to post a few of my favorites! Yay!

   Speaking of Mommy, she's been getting some grades back for her classes! She got an 80 on her test in Forensic Psychology, a 93 on her test in Lifespan Psychology, and sadly, a 74 on her first big speech. Spanish is her favorite class, her midterm's coming up, so far she's got a 90 in that class and she's learning a ton!

   I learned how to clap yesterday! I'll try and post a video soon, I love love LOVE to clap!

   Here's a picture of me in my car seat after I got all clapped out and fell asleep with my pal Eeyore! ------------->

    Want to know another thing I love to do in the car? Play the piano!! And guess what? The video below is of just that!

   Isn't that awesome? Want to know something else that's awesome? Family! My last couple are with me and a couple other members of my family. I wanted to post more, but a lot of Mommy's pictures were too blurry.

   This picture is of me with my favorite second cousin! I love to follow her around and try and do everything she does. Last time we played I gave her a big hug I love her sooooo much!

   And this is me with my Great Grandpa! We went out to eat together and we got this picture right as we left! I'm so happy I got to see him twice in one day!

   Daddy's been doing pretty well lately. He and I have been having fun taste testing recipes Mommy tries out! Yesterday and today we had her meatloaf and I ate a ton! Daddy liked it too I think! He and I have been spending tons of time together and now dada's the only word I'll say! It makes Daddy laugh, but Mommy misses me saying mama.

   Well, I think I need to get back to bed, it's late! Good night and sleep tight everybody!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!


   Hey you, Sophie Mae here! It's been quite awhile since we last talked, so sorry! It's just like the title of the blog post says. We've been busy busy busy! I'm just popping on for a quick post before bed right now, but I'll be sure to post more often as long as you keep reading. Deal? Deal. :)

   Well where do I start??? Since we last talked I got a few more teeth. Now I have almost 8! Almost because the last two aren't quite in all the way yet. I chew on everything, especially the furniture! I now say dada, mama, nana, yaya, gaga, and my first real word is "kitty". Also, today when mama called me Silly I went around saying "sis sis sis sis" and that made Mommy laugh a lot! I totally took my first steps and I can now take 5 or 6 in a row before falling! Daddy and Mommy are so proud of me and all I can do.

   Speaking of Daddy and Mommy, here's an update on them! Daddy got his promotion to wireless specialist at his job so now he sells more phones. A few days ago he went to training for his new job and was gone for two whole days! While he was gone Mommy and I had girl time and even had a picnic on the living room floor while watching my very first Disney movie. We watched Beauty and the Beast and I loved it!

   Mommy's doing great in school, she loves her classes, especially Spanish! While she's at school I'm with Daddy and I've been having tons of fun with him. When we're together we play a ton, my favorite game is chase!

   Lately we've been doing lots of stuff together as a family, like going to the park! I love the park, it's so fun! Mommy posted a bunch of those pics on her facebook if anyone hasn't seen. Even though we've all been busy, we make plenty of time to slow down and just be a family. Mommy says she's really going to miss my baby days, but I'm SO ready to grow up and be a toddler!

   A few weeks ago I learned how to flip the pages on my books, so I've been reading and reading and reading! Here's a picture of me reading!

   Well, I'm really sleepy, so I'm going to bed now. Goodnight everybody! I'll write to you again soon!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Goofy Time!

   Hey you! Sophie here playing with my favorite cat Socks. I have tons of pictures and stories to share this post, so let's get started!

   First of all, I had a GREAT time when my Pepa and Yaya visited for Pepa's 49th birthday! I hadn't seen them since I was 5 months old so I was super excited. We went to the beach together and watched movies and had tons of fun! Pepa is Mommy's daddy, so she was extra happy to be able to celebrate his birthday with him! Here are a couple pictures from their visit.

   This was when we all went to the beach together! It was so much fun! Everyone took turns going out in the waves and playing with me on the beach. It was even overcast so we didn't have to wear hats or put up the umbrella. So fun!

     The only part that wasn't so fun, was when we were about to leave and I got tickled too much and it made me sad :(

   And here's a pic of Mommy and Pepa when we went out for his birthday dinner!

   While they were here we also went to pick up souvenirs for my cousins! Yaya got them some awesome Padre Island T-shirts to wear, and she got me a new Padre Island onesie that is just fabulous!

   Daddy tried to get me to show off my new onesie since it shrunk to my size in the wash, but Mommy just couldn't get a picture where you could read the words. It says "If You Think I'm Cute, You Should See ME On Facebook". And then it says "Padre Island" on it too!

   After Pepa and Yaya's visit we went back to our normal routine. And the next morning I got to eat blueberry pancakes in my pajamas! I LOVE pancakes so much! I ate an entire one!

   I got to go back to my usual shenanigans and Mommy and I started spending more quality time together before she starts school. She's going back to classes on the 22nd so Daddy will be taking care of me in the mornings and Mommy will have me when Daddy goes to work in the afternoons. It's going to be tough getting used to being away from her more, but Daddy and I will have tons of fun together so it'll be okay. Wish us luck for the new semester!

   One last thing, Mommy was sure that she didn't have any pictures at all from the day I was born, but that wasn't true at all! We just unearthed a bunch of pictures and a couple videos of my first ever bath! Mommy was sososo excited to have them, I don't really get why, but she says I'll understand someday. Here's the shorter of the two video's from my first bath.

   Isn't it great to have good memories? On that note, Mommy has almost finished my baby book and it looks great! Okay well I've got to go back to playing with my kitty cat now! Socks won't wait forever! Bye!
